The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a poverty reduction strategy patterned after the successful Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program in Brazil, Latin America and Africa. It gives cash subsidies to the poorest household particularly with children 0-14 years old to help them improve their health, nutrition and education.

Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) is a provision of cash grants to eligible poor families for as long as they meet certain agreed conditions and it aims to primarily to alleviate poverty in the short-run, while raising the human capital of poor children and, therefore, their future income.

In 2007, Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program started in the Philippines but in August 2008 the Set 1 of Pantawid beneficiaries were chosen in four (4) municipalities of Nueva Ecija with 7,545 registered households.

By the year 2010, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program covered the seven (7) provinces of the region with 37 municipalities and 20,964 additional households to be included in set 3 beneficiaries.

Set 4 beneficiaries commenced in 2011 in Masantol, Pampanga with expansion of the two Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) and two municipalities with 50% and above poverty incidence and there were 3,212 potential households. In the later months of 2011, 5575 households were front loaded from the city of Muñoz and San Jose City, Nueva Ecija.

2012 was the year when set 5 beneficiaries started with 50, 376 households covering all the cities and indigenous people municipalities and municipalities with poverty incidence with 30.6%.

In January 2013, set 6 started with 131,260 target beneficiaries covering all the municipalities not covered in the previous sets and with the expansion of set 3 areas.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program has covered 100% of the 7 provinces, 14 cities, 116 municipalities and 99.39% out of 3,102 target barangays in the region. The program has likewise identified 17,227 potential households for Set 7. Out of the 309,855 potential household beneficiaries, 258, 486 were registered.

Pantawid Pamilya potential households for Sets 1-6 and 7(batches 1 & 2) in the region were 309,855. As of September 13, 2013, the program has 258,486 registered household based on the clean list record coming from the database.

Status of payment of the Beneficiaries and the schedule of pay-outs lodge in the Finance. It plays a vital and crucial role in handling the cash grants of the beneficiaries taking consideration the essence of transparency and accountability. The budget allocation was based on the Compliance Verification turn-out per period in the status of Payments for 1st, 2nd and 3rd period per Province.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program has two goals, first is social assistance which is to provide cash assistance to the poor to alleviate their needs (short term) and lastly it aims to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investment in human capital , i.e. health, nutrition and education(long-term).

  1. To improve preventive health care among pregnant women and young children
  2. To increase the enrollment in and attendance rate of children in school
  3. To reduce the incidence of child labor
  4. To raise the average consumption rate in food expenditure of poor households
  5. To encourage parents to invest in their children’s (and their own) human capital through investments in their health and nutrition, education, and participation in community activities

Health & Nutrition

    1. Pregnant women avail pre- and post- natal care and Childbirth supervised by health professional
    2. Children 0 to 5 years old avail complete immunization, weight monitoring, nutrition counseling & preventive health services
    3. Children 6 to 14 avail de-worming pills twice a year


    1. Children 3 to 5 years old enrolled in Day Care with 85% class attendance/month
    2. Children 6 to 14 enrolled in elementary and high school with 85% class attendance/month

Parenting Education

     1. Attend Family Development Sessions once a month

Beneficiary Update System – Updating of beneficiary information in the system is one of the significant components of the program. Failure to update the beneficiary profile would possibly result to exclusion in the Compliance Verification Form and eventually a reason for decrease of cash grant or worst will not receive cash grant for the specified period.

Compliance Verification System – CVU takes charge on the distribution and retrieval of CV Forms for Schools, Health Centers and Barangays for the compliance Period of May to June 2013. The Compliance Verification System develops a monitoring tool for the number of beneficiaries complying with the Conditionalities of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

Grievance Redress System – The goal of Redress System is to Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino address complaints/grievances from different stakeholders in relation to the implementation of Program. Empower and develop a comprehensive process in assessing and resolving grievances on its corresponding level: Municipality, Provincial Operating Office (POO), Regional Project Monitoring Office (RPMO), and National Monitoring Office (NPMO). Thus, action taken depends on the level of complaints and resolved in accordance to the situation may arise.