PRAISE 2018: FMD is Best Support Office

The Finance Management Division (FMD) of DSWD Region 3 bags the Best Support Office during the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service and Excellence or PRAISE 2018. The said awarding ceremony was conducted on 29 March 2019 at the Diosdado Macapagal Hall, Landbank Plaza, Manila, Philippines.

FMD initiated various innovations in 2018 which include the conduct of budget consultation with program focal persons, proactive facilitation of work and financial plan, bi-monthly reconciliation of budget utilization, budget execution workshop every second semester, orientation of financial management guidelines, buddy system for bi-weekly budget reconciliation of the FMD and program focal persons.

Their operations’ performance were even furthered by developing information technology systems such as the database for Status of Allotment and Obligation, Check Disbursement and Financial System, Check Printing System, E-archieve, Disbursement Voucher Tracker and Pledge of Commitment for Liquidation.

All these efforts resulted to an all time high budget utilization rate of 96.99% in the history of DSWD Region III.

Trully, responsible and accountable utilization of public funds is a core ingredient of genuine public service.

FMD is being led by its Division Chief Maribel M. Blanco, together with her supervisees Chief of Accounting Section Angelica T. Lafuente; Keisha D. Morales of Budget Section and Mary Christy V. Torno of Cash Section.

“Find your purpose and grow where you are planted,” said Blanco in her acceptance speech. They promise not to stop here and continue to “reform and transform and [they] perform”.

In another story, DSWD Provincial Extension Office of Tarlac also recognized during PRAISE 2018 being the 2nd place Best Operations Office.